Overview This research stream builds upon a Kenya settlement scheme data set compiled by Dr. Fibian Lukalo and the National Land Commission of Kenya in 2016 and 2017. Our project worked the Lukalo and the NLC to obtain over 500 registry index maps from Survey of Kenya. We catalogued, georeferenced, and mapped these to create the most complete ever mapping of settlement schemes created between 1962 and 2017. We have used this data to analyze regional logics that inform national planners' land allocation, electoral constituency building, partisan coalition-building, and agricultural development strategies. We presented first results at the BIEA in Nairobi in June 2019.
The maps and data make it possible to draw inferences about whether settlement strategies have enhanced or diminished ethnic heterogeneity within territorially-demarcated units of political representation (dovetailing with the first research stream on internal borders), the extent to which resettlement policies promoted either expansion of smallholder agriculture or aimed at narrower social-welfarist goals, and how settlement may have contributed to regional partisan coalition building strategies (thus extending the second research stream on regional coalitions). |
PublicationsArticles and Papers:
Boone, C. 2018. "Land Politics under Kenya's New Constitution: Limits to the Institutional Fix," with Alex Dyzenhaus, Catherine Gateri, Seth Ouma, James Owino, Ambreena Manji, and Jacqueline Klopp, African Affairs 118/471: 215-237. (open access) [link] Catherine Boone, Fibian Lukalo, Sandra Joireman, "Promised Land: Settlement Schemes in Kenya, 1962 to 2016." Political Geography 89 (2021). (open access). [link]boone_et_al_promised_land_pg_2021.pdf Fibian Lukalo, and Sandra Joireman, "Kenyan Settlement Schemes: Past and Present," British Institute in Eastern Africa (BIEA) conference on Land Governance and Subnational Political Dynamics in Kenyan Politics, Nairobi, 7 June 2019. Juliette Crespin-Boucaud, Alexander Moradi, and Catherine Boone, "Land Reform, public goods, and poverty reduction in the long-run: Evidence from Kenya's settlement schemes,” prepared for the World Bank Land and Poverty Meeting, Washington DC., April 2020. Handbook and Maps for Planners and Stakeholders: Lukalo, Fibian, Robert Wayumba, et al. Kenya Settlement Schemes: First Mapping (Nairobi: National Land Commission of Kenya), Sept. 2020. [link] Policy and Research Briefings: Lukalo and Kituo Cha Sheria (Legal Advice Centre). (2015). Know Your Land Rights. [link] Lukalo, Fibian, & Dokhe, Esterina. (2016). Gender and Land Rights. National Land Commission. [link] Lukalo and National Land Commission. (2017). Compendium of Land Matters: Basis for Priority in Research and Land Policy Implementation. [link] Blogs: Boone et al., "Refocusing scholarly attention on Kenya's smallholder settlement schemes is long overdue," LSE Africa Blog, 27 June 2018. [link] Boone et al., "Multi-methods research across continents: Land in Kenya," LSE International Development Blog, 2 Oct. 2018. [link] Master's Thesis: Makene, Paddy Odera. (2020). Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Change as a Solution to Land Conflict in Chepchoina Phase I & II Settlement Schemes in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya (Unpublished master’s thesis). Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. [link to title page] |